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Clipped Meaning Gaming

What is Clipping?

A Comprehensive Guide


Clipping refers to the process of cutting or shearing a part of an object in computer graphics. It is a technique used to remove or hide portions of an object that are not visible to the viewer.


The term "clipping" has its roots in the physical act of cutting or trimming something. In the context of computer graphics, clipping involves the selective removal of portions of an object to achieve a specific visual effect.

Applications in Computer Graphics

Clipping finds numerous applications in computer graphics, including:

  • Removing hidden surfaces
  • Creating clipping planes to define visible areas
  • Cropping images and videos
  • Defining boundaries for objects

Clipping in Video Games

Clipping is also commonly used in video games, particularly first-person shooters (FPS). In FPS games, clipping refers to a situation where a character's model intersects with another object in the game world, resulting in visual artifacts or glitches.


Clipping is a fundamental technique in computer graphics that allows for the manipulation and selective removal of portions of objects. Its applications extend across various industries, including video games, film, and visual effects. By understanding the principles and uses of clipping, computer graphics professionals can create more realistic and immersive experiences for users.
